vongolaprimo Yo
eytang8@yahoo.com sup
vongolaprimo Were u at mitchell's again?
eytang8@yahoo.com nope
vongolaprimo hm really now.
eytang8@yahoo.com yes, really
vongolaprimo hm..
vongolaprimo So, whats up?
eytang8@yahoo.com doin' homework
vongolaprimo lol yeah I guess I should be doing the same
vongolaprimo So dood I tried a little experiment
vongolaprimo to Abby
vongolaprimo and uh
vongolaprimo to ask her advice
eytang8@yahoo.com yeah?
vongolaprimo even though it's about her..well it turned out bad cuz I think I said too much. Anyways, I should never do that again. lol
eytang8@yahoo.com What happened?
vongolaprimo Well I asked her questions, and I think I said too much and it probably gave her hints that I like her cuz Abby asked Adam if I like her.
eytang8@yahoo.com And what did Adam say?
vongolaprimo he said idk I'll ask him
vongolaprimo but now I can't trust Adam
eytang8@yahoo.com maybe she's interested?
vongolaprimo because he's a selfish bastard and wants all girls to himself
eytang8@yahoo.com >_>
eytang8@yahoo.com wat
vongolaprimo and he likes to ruin ppls..uh stuff
vongolaprimo yeah
vongolaprimo Adam's doing that
eytang8@yahoo.com wat
vongolaprimo with Amir's relationship
vongolaprimo with Claudia
eytang8@yahoo.com what the fuck
vongolaprimo apparently and like things are getting rowdy right now
vongolaprimo *things are
eytang8@yahoo.com what the hell
eytang8@yahoo.com what did he do?
vongolaprimo Yeah I know so now Adam and Amir are like..not friends anymore.
vongolaprimo well
vongolaprimo he's basically on Claudia's face 24/7
vongolaprimo and like
eytang8@yahoo.com ~_~
vongolaprimo one time he got pissed
vongolaprimo because Claudia showed Amir her drawing first
vongolaprimo and he started bitching bout it
vongolaprimo like yeah I get it
eytang8@yahoo.com Just, what the fuck
vongolaprimo I don't deserved to see it anyways
vongolaprimo and stupid shit liek that
eytang8@yahoo.com Adam....
eytang8@yahoo.com what the hell
vongolaprimo and Amir's just like Grow the fuck up!
vongolaprimo so yeah
vongolaprimo Adam does it too Mady too if he walks with us
vongolaprimo lol he's basically going to talk to her and stick to her like a glue to whole way
vongolaprimo have u noticed that?
eytang8@yahoo.com Not really
eytang8@yahoo.com I haven't walked with them recently
vongolaprimo yeah that's true.
vongolaprimo but yeah usually when he does
vongolaprimo if he walks with Mady, expect him to stay there for awhile
vongolaprimo like if he walks to Mady's left
vongolaprimo he'll stick there
eytang8@yahoo.com Well, that's not so important
vongolaprimo and like not even face the road and talk to her
eytang8@yahoo.com as fucking with Claudia
eytang8@yahoo.com and you
vongolaprimo yeah
vongolaprimo that's true
vongolaprimo but yeah Adam's such a fucking selfish dick
vongolaprimo and like he doesn't hang out with bitch
vongolaprimo *with his bitch
vongolaprimo he's going out with this chick, and like he totally doesn't give a fuck
vongolaprimo makes me wanna deck him in the fucking face
eytang8@yahoo.com Is he really hitting on all these girls?
vongolaprimo apparently he's on their face 24/7
vongolaprimo talks to them everyday and flirt with them and shit
vongolaprimo like if u observe what he does
vongolaprimo most of the ppl he only shares good news with are girls
eytang8@yahoo.com Like, could you give me an example?
vongolaprimo Like, in a flirting way
vongolaprimo like..
vongolaprimo today we were learning pick up lines today at Drama, Claudia
vongolaprimo it's always
vongolaprimo Claudia in the end of the sentence
vongolaprimo and like Amir is getting annoyed because he can't get that alone time with her
vongolaprimo and Adam's uses the guilt trip shit
vongolaprimo like ok I'm not wanted and shit
eytang8@yahoo.com Sarcastically or seriously?
vongolaprimo so imma leave and it makes Claudia feel bad
eytang8@yahoo.com Wow
vongolaprimo like seriously
eytang8@yahoo.com wow
vongolaprimo even though he's got a lot of ppl to talk to
vongolaprimo and like he said stuff to Amir like
vongolaprimo oh yeah so my dad asked
vongolaprimo so are u going out with Claudia
vongolaprimo and then he said no
vongolaprimo and he said his dad said well it better be Claudia next time
vongolaprimo and then he just laughed
vongolaprimo like he's saying yeah Claudia's my one and only bitch, back off
eytang8@yahoo.com >_>
vongolaprimo Yeah pisses me off
vongolaprimo He's probably going to tell Abby yeah lowkey but he does likes you
vongolaprimo I can just see him doing that
vongolaprimo just to get close to her
vongolaprimo fucking asshole
eytang8@yahoo.com So how'd you find out that she asked Adam?
vongolaprimo Adam told me to probably find out
eytang8@yahoo.com to find out what?
vongolaprimo if I do like her
eytang8@yahoo.com did you tell him?
vongolaprimo I said oh ok yeah I was just trying to see what she would say
eytang8@yahoo.com mmm...
eytang8@yahoo.com So he doesn't know?
vongolaprimo yeah I guess
eytang8@yahoo.com So what was it you said that made Abby ask, anyways?
vongolaprimo Long convo
vongolaprimo and it was on the phone, it's better if I tell you personally
eytang8@yahoo.com okay